Comments Form

If you're looking to contact us for product info, or have a billing question, etc., it would be best to either call or email a Customer Service Specialist...
Telephone: 1-516-945-9002  Mon-Fri 8-5 Eastern
Email: service <at> all-greenjanitorialproducts <dot> com

Also, you may find the answer you're looking for in our HELP files.

How Are We Doing?

Your comments are invaluable to us! So, feel free to give us your thoughts.

1.) Did you arrive here today with the intention of buying or browsing?

2.) Will you be buying today?

3.) Please tell us specifically the primary reason for your answer in question #2 above.
(This would be very helpful to us, so, please be sure to respond.)

Some sample responses for deciding to buy today: the price is right; free shipping; trust us; couldn't find similar product elsewhere; special offer; want to know I'm helping the environment.

Some sample responses for deciding *not* to buy today: price is too high; don't want to buy an entire case; couldn't find a certain product that I was looking for (please tell us which product); don't trust the product to do what it's supposed to do; not enough product info; shipping charges are too high; not enough product selection.

4.) Please enter comments here...

5.) If you'd like a response, please enter either your phone number or email address here...

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